Service Periods for Volunteer-Teachers: Due to the school calendar in Ghana, we can place volunteers during the following periods in the year:
10th May to 24th July
Service Periods for Volunteer-Teachers: Due to the school calendar in Ghana, we can place volunteers during the following periods in the year:
10th September to 9th December
Service Periods for Volunteer-Teachers: Due to the school calendar in Ghana, we can place volunteers during the following periods in the year:
Note: These dates vary slightly from year to year. They also vary from school to school and should be treated as approximate rather than confirmed dates. Volunteers can stay from a period of four weeks to six months. Your stay can be extended beyond six months on a case by case basis (depending upon the school’s requirement).
Volunteer Requirement
Volunteer must;
Be between 18 and 65 years of age
be able to walk long distances (up to 1 hour continuously) and be able to tolerate heat
be available for a minimum of four weeks
be able to speak English fluently
have a High School qualification to teach at primary level, and a college degree to teach at secondary level
be a positive and realistic commitment to the programme