What we do


Abc4all organizes volunteering opportunities both locally and internationally. Participants are posted to various places to offer their humanitarian services.

Info Sharing

Information is a vital resource needed by any individual or organization for optimal functioning. Information helps us be in a position to make the best decisions aimed at solving a given problem.


ABC4All is involved with the establishment of a network of individuals and organizations, conferences, workshops, community meetings with the aim of creating positive social change. We invite individuals and organizations to partner with this effort for social positive change.


This is a volunteering project designed by a group of concerned individuals who after their experience in the volunteer field with the rural folks in Ghana decided to give the same opportunity to others who want to dedicate some of their time to effect positive social change in the Ghanaian rural communities. Abc4all organizes volunteering opportunities both locally and internationally. Participants are posted to various places to offer their humanitarian services.

What is Volunteering?
Volunteering is to choose to act in recognition of a need, with an attitude of social responsibility and without concern for monetary profit, going beyond one's basic obligations.

Who is a Volunteer?
Someone who contributes time, effort and talent to meet a need or further a mission, without going on the payroll. No doubt you have heard of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs for short). Even if it’s only in connection with make Poverty History. Perhaps you recall the big rock concerts that happened in summer 2005 around the G8 in Scotland? Or maybe you have a white wrist band as part of the ONE campaign. But what next? Goal 8 of the MDGs is to develop a global partnership for development, Abc4all Is doing just that by partnering with organizations, individuals, schools etc who would like to give some of their noble time to work with the rural folks in Ghana for social positive change. Abc4all is giving an opportunity to any person from any walk of life who would like to spend time with schools, families, companies in the rural communities in Ghana to share with them their knowledge, learning experience, share cultures and fun to put a smile on the needy.


Info Sharing

Information is a vital resource needed by any individual or organization for optimal functioning. Information helps us be in a position to make the best decisions aimed at solving a given problem.

ABC4All, recognizing the quest for good and reliable information, has facilitated access to relevant information for anyone receptive to assist in bettering local communities. Information is available on health issues, micro finance, education, entrepreneurship, sports, social issues etc. Formats will include conferences, workshops, email newsletters, social media platform, personal request basis etc.

We are therefore inviting participation by individuals or organizations interested in such Research for relevant information to help us address the most pressing global issues and distribute this information to individuals or organizations in need. We also continue to look for individuals or organizations that are in a position to share additional vital information for consideration.


Networking helps build better communities. ABC4All is involved with the establishment of a network of individuals and organizations, conferences, workshops, community meetings with the aim of creating positive social change. We invite individuals and organizations to partner with this effort for social positive change.

ABC4All Team of TEAMS

  • Spreads its NETWORK across the World:
  • Network of Goodwill and Welfare Emotions:
  • Network of CARING
  • Network of SHARING
  • Network of COOPERATION
  • Network of COLLABORATION
  • Network of HEALING
  • Network of PEACE Network of HARMONY

  • The ABC4All Network4All!TM

    Get Involved
    THE CORE MESSAGE IS: 17 Goals !!! Your Action Matters!!!!

    ABC4All encourages the development of an ocean of information that eventually can help individuals and one another. MIKKI J. PEDRAYES, L.M.S.W., NYC, 09/05/04